Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Couple of Things

First off - I've been grumpy lately. Probably more frustrated, but its made me grumpy. My apologies to anyone who has had to deal with me in the past week! It's getting better! We're working on an attitude adjustment!

With that said - I'm going church shopping! That kind of sounds funny being a Pastor and all, but I am. I'm going church shopping. I want to see what's going on in other places and in other denominations around the area. There are some churches here that are really thriving and i think it's time to see what the kool aid is that people are thirsting for. Updates to follow!

Im also going to visit a church that the people who work at Subway go to. The one guy is a youth pastor there. His brother attends but questions a lot of the God Stuff. He calls me "The Subway Pastor" because  I go in for a sandwich and 45 minutes and a pastoral care conversation or some theological banter later I leave! They want me to come to worship with them - the service is in spanish. I dont speak spanish. But I will go and it will be a good thing.

My parents were here for Mothers day. That made me happy! My dad waxed my car...he's the bomb diggity! I hate waxing the car - he's a car nut. Were a good match! Mom and I went to target! We're a good match too!

I'm tired, but haven't felt like sleeping recently. Strange right? But I feel like I'm on the brink of something and im just waiting for it to perk...

I had lunch with two cool people on Monday. We talked about the killing of Bin Laden and lots of other stuff. They make me laugh, hard! I like laughing!

Um, i think that's all. More soon!

Dream good dreams world!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

"And I'm Dreaming In Your Living Room"

"It's because I can spell Konfusion with a K and I can like it!...And if this is what it takes to live with my mistakes...its not hard to dream...Did you know i miss you (x7)?

Something Corporate, Konstantine.

Song on repeat...I'm not even sure why but for 9 years I've been addicted to this song.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Like The First Time All Over Again!

every now and then there are times where I feel like it's the first time....some sundays feel like the first time i've ever preached and others the first time i've written a retreat. tonight it felt like i was walking in to do my first funeral. the funeral directors all look the same, they seemed to know me well. the people gathered appeared to be happy i walked in the door but good lord it was as if i had NEVER done a funeral before. once we got the ball rolling I was in my groove, but it was an odd experience. and it wasnt even a funeral - it was a prayer service - mini funeral at the funeral home. graveside tomorrow... ps. i love these people more than i ever imagined possible.

im not feeling capital letters tonight! (in case you haven't noticed!)

last night was like a dream. one minute it was 5:30pm and the next it was 12:30am. i had a long convo with an old friend who seems to be more and more a part of my life. im so happy for this. it's funny to have her on my brain again. thinking, oh i can't wait to tell her this or that. and the best part is, it's as though we didnt even miss a beat. you know who you are and i'm glad we're back in the saddle. duck! or goose! i can't remember who is who. and in case you're reading this - remember my door in my bedroom that we wrote on with magic markers? yeah...that's still there and my dad has "preserved it" he wasn't happy when it started, the quote wall on the back of the door, but now he seems to appreciate it more than me!

tomorrow is thursday, my favorite day of the week. it's date night with one of my best pals and greys! and it's my friday. it'll be a good day.

speaking of firsts - the elementary school, where i do chapel, has duck eggs and they started hatching. first time i'd seen a duck hatch and i was fascinated. i couldnt look away and didnt want to leave. it's little bill sticking out of the egg and then it's body and it's first steps with it's webbed feet...he got the hang of it pretty quick. he's real cute! another started hatching, but i had to "go to work" back at the church. can't wait to go tomrorow to see the little ducks! the kids are in awe and i love it. they watch intently and tell you the play by play as though you're not watching it too...

i think that's all tonight.

OH! I just made that bizzaro connection - duck/goose friend reconnection and watching the duck hatch. wow. ok. im slow!

quack quack!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Executive Decision

Today has been...perfect. I went into the office early to get a couple of things done. Made a to do list - because i LOVE lists and haven't had one in over a month - and realized everything I needed to do could be done at home - at anytime. I looked outside to see a perfect blue sky - sun - and the trees blowing and thought self - you are taking the day OFF!! (Mind you, I've really needed a day off with nothing scheduled.  I feel like I've been going non stop since Palm Sunday. Which really isn't the case because there have been pockets of time, but that doesnt really count.) So i told the secretary that I was available by cell phone and out the door I went. I put the top down and called up my best pal in NY and said let's do something fun today! : ) And that we did! We hung out for awhile and went to lunch (had an oreo milkshake) and went to my most favorite place to buy fruit and veggies and fish. Blue Collar Comedy was on the radio - the top was down and I wasn't driving...perfection. I'm a happy camper and it's a Tuesday!

I'm not sure how it's 5:15 already but that's ok. 
I'm off to be domestic. Laundry, cleaning the house...the parents are coming this weekend for Mother's Day..gotta get this place in order.

Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease! 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

OO La La

Sunday Night and it's date night with my pillows, the phillies game and my cell phone. It's quite enjoyable. Dinner consisted of toast, yogurt with granola, pineapple, and a handful of doritos. Yeah - I'm a loser! In all reality - I was too lazy to boil water - sue me.

I'm super tired tonight for some reason. Not sleepy tired - just dead to the world tired. I was planning on sleeping this afternoon, but ended up screwing around online and working on my bills and budgeting! Oh the joy - it's hard to contain the excitement! Student loans are down 20k since i started paying them - that made me happy. The rest of the debt is well, nauseating. Mint.com is a GREAT website for budgeting etc. Mr. Man found it and loves it - it's not perfect but it's uber helpful.

Went to the gym on Friday and was planning on going today, but here's the deal - only one form of torture per day - bills or the gym. Clearly gym lost! I kinda hate to sweat...guess we'll go tomorrow. Oh and I dont even really hate to sweat - but i hate sweating in public. You look gross, hair is a disaster, you smell, clothes stick to every possible place - not my idea of lookin' good in public. : )

Sadie just hopped up on the bed - i love when she knows it's bed time. How are dogs so smart? I mean, really. Observant little boogers they are!

Back to the phillies! 
Night yo.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Semonizing 101

It's Saturday - 9:15pm - and I'm still working on the sermon. I never work on a sermon on Saturday night...but that's ok. Kinda feeling surprisingly ok with it. My attention span is lacking this week (is that different from any other week?) as evidenced by this mid sermon blog post! : )

Anyway - I love the ending! (Sometimes I write the end first!) 

For Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! He is out of the tomb and is out and about in our lives and the world around us and because of this - nothing will ever be the same again. Thanks be to God. Amen.

It needs some tweaking - but you get the point!

EDIT - that sounded a whole lot better when i said it this morning than when i read it on here just now : ) Thought you should know! Sermon preached well...

Friday, April 29, 2011


Confession time! I've not been a big fan of all this Royal Wedding hoopla. It's been the topic of conversation on most news and daytime television shows. There's more "Will and Kate" shtuff for sale than one could even begin to conjure up. And really, who cares how much jewelry Kate has worn or will wear 10 years from now. BUT...I must say that I'm contemplating waking up in the middle of the night to watch the show take place! I'm off and I have a sermon to write, but I might get up in 3 hours and 45 minutes just to see what's goin' on. Now, if only I had some crumpets! I will opt for coffee rather than tea - I hope the Queen approves!

It's been awhile since I've posted. I got side tracked with Easter! And let me tell you, I needed me some Easter! As fast as Lent went this year, it was long. I needed some "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" and some fanfare along with the Alleluias! The Easter Vigil was AMAZING - almost as good as seminary - not quite  - but close! The Exultet was phenominal and I'm still watching this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIhBdt5XRcA&feature=share  just to hear it over and over again. I'm in love. We had a baptism at the vigil which was enjoyable! : ) AND during communion mr. music man played and sang this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kmg4n7XHPtw - he's quite talented and it made me cry. Aight, thats enough worship reporting! Let's just say it was good!

I wasn't really feeling the drive home after worship and 2.5 hours of sleep, but I'm really glad I went! I got to see my parents and Aunt and Uncle and my cousins. We played games, had good food and didn't argue. Which is remarkable! I tend to argue with my Uncle for one reason or another, but I think we both made a conscious effort to not! Maybe we're all growing up!

Oh! Good news! My Marine Cousin is coming home from Afghanistan in two weeks. I'm excited to see him - I'm excited for him to be back in the States. I'm thankful he won't be in the middle of the war. I'm really proud of him even though I don't completely understand why he wanted to be a Marine. At the end of the day though - if that's what he wants to do - he's got my love and support. He's come a long way...has had a hard time and I think he feels like he belongs there...so I'm 100% behind him! No more questions asked - I tried to talk him out of it - it didn't work. I won't be doing that anymore.

Love my cousins to pieces - they are like my brothers.

There's more, but that's all for now! If I'm getting up for my non crumpet Royal Wedding Viewing I better go to sleep!

Love and Peace.